AETHERA ART - Biography

Born in Germany, Mariane had unstinting faith in her own ability and following her natural intuition, became a highly successful entrepreneur, spiritual coach and healer developing, creating, designing and marketing her highly successful healing products throughout Europe.

She is now residing in the U.S. and continues to combine many of the ancient healing arts with modern technology.
Mariane began her dynamic entrepreneurial career as an apprentice for a shoe designer. She continued her studies and became a graphic designer specializing in graphic arts, commercial artistry and print design.  Her creativity and entrepreneurial spirit led her to become an independent and highly sought after shoe designer. 
After doing that for 5 years, Mariane founded her own advertising agency, “Trend Line.” As CEO of Trend Line, Mariane was creating logos for small and big companies and helped them with print design, as well as marketing of their products.
She also organized and coordinated many fashion shows for various clients. After doing that for 8 years, she opened her own Fashion-Store for women’s apparel “Studio di Ma” where she organized her own fashion shows.

Although her entrepreneurial career was highly successful, Mariane still felt that something was lacking in her life. This dissatisfaction led her to seek a more spiritual path. She became an avid student of many different types of metaphysical healing modalities. For many years she studied everything she could about flower essences, the power of the mind and emotions to change and heal people and help them discover their true selves. 
Two of her mentors and teachers were the renowned Dr. Hildegard Schreiber, MD and Dr. Peter Weidinger, PhD. As Mariane continued her studies, more and more people began coming to her for various types of metaphysical healing. Mariane worked as a researcher, therapist, spiritual healer and astrologer.

She opened her own practice and sold metaphysical books, teas and her own original wellness products. Mariane became a much sought after lecturer and traveled extensively throughout Germany and Europe.
She also did chakra balancing and energy field analysis and developed a unique method to read subtle energy fields. She created and designed a one of a kind pendulum that allowed her to tune into and read people’s needs on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.
Together with Dr. Peter Weidinger she trained many people in Europe to become an Aethera Energy Essences Practitioner.
In 1992, following her intuition and intelligence, Mariane became the founder of Aethera Essences.
The use of these essences helps to release the physical symptoms that are caused by blocked and unresolved negative emotions and get to the origin of pain.

In 1997 Mariane created a Chakra Feeling Set to heal every level of a person’s being so their true selves can be free. This Chakra Feeling Set contains eight 2” colored round energy plates filled with Aethera Energy Essences. It also contains a Music CD with a guided imaginary meditation. These sets were highly successful and sold throughout Europe. Also in development are Feng Shui Sets.
Mariane also helps women tune into their many times hidden and unrecognized internal Goddess essence.  Mariane is an extraordinary entrepreneur, healer and counselor who works with adults, children and pets.  
For sure, her creative soul doesn’t stop at this point and new projects are already in her mind, waiting to come into reality.

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