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Aethera Planet Essences




The sun embodies the conscious soul of every living being and is an expression of vitality. The sun stands for light and energy. It stands for creativity of life, consciousness, activity, self realization, assurance, life purpose. It is the sign for true self or willpower.

With the essence SUN we develop our true personality and become who we are. We find wholeness, internal balance, true identity and our life purpose. It promotes creativity and management abilities, self confidence and self realization.

20 ml
Reg. $31.00  
Buy now $28.00 

The moon embodies the unaware soul of every living being. It is an expression of feelings and emotions. It stands for imagination, fertility, protection, dream, wishes. The moon shows us which areas of reality we can perceive; it determines the quality of our emotions. This forms the basis of our actions.

With the essence MOON we develop our feelings and our imagination. We find emotional security and well being.

20 ml
Reg. $31.00  
Buy now $28.00 

Mercury embodies the spiritual.  It connects the sun (consciousness) and the moon (sub consciousness). It stands for intellect, language, communication, mediation, tactical and spiritual agility, sense of direction, promotes analytical and logical thinking for judging and making decisions. It also stands for the ability to learn new things in life.

Through the essence MERCURY we find out how to move ideas into reality. It promotes learning ability, ability to learn crafts, technical and mathematical abilities.

20 ml
Reg. $31.00  
Buy now $28.00 

Venus embodies accepting love. She stands for harmony and beauty, nearness, tenderness, sensuousness. Longing, colors, music, tones; all senses are controlled by Venus. She makes sure we can live here on earth with adornment and beauty.

The essence VENUS promotes our artistic interests and talents, our values, wealth, beauty. It gives the ability to form relationships, devotion, tenderness and strengthens the female libido. It promotes the ability to make decisions and develop a pleasant life.

20 ml
Reg. $31.00  
Buy now $28.00 

Mars is the counter pole to Venus and embodies giving love. He stands for initiative, activity and the desire to conquer a person, the power of self-assertion and the energy to fight against resistance in life. He stands for sexual energy, desire, urge and passion.

The essence MARS helps us to assert, develop and realize our nature being and protects and preserves us from infringements of others. It further promotes sexual energy and helps us to control our drives. It promotes ego power, initiative, vitality, risk propensity, a pioneer's mind and athletic abilities.

20 ml
Reg. $31.00  
Buy now $28.00 

Jupiter, the big benefactor, stands for growth and expansion on earth. He embodies trusting and believing in life, ideals and values and finding a personal life purpose. He signifies optimism, faith, holistic thinking, knowledge, wisdom, life sense.

The essence JUPITER takes us to a higher level of knowledge of all things and therefore to luck, fulfillment and prosperity. It promotes the ability for insight, tolerance and education. It helps to develop our own ideology and philosophy of the world.

20 ml
Reg. $31.00  
Buy now $28.00 

Saturn stands for perfect justice, security, structure, concentration, continuity, perseverance, ecological consciousness. He keeps you grounded and gives energy to persevere. He stands for the ability to define oneself, also for the boundaries which we experience as unpleasant and that prevent us from achieving our desires.

The essence SATURN allows us to develop an independent personality and gives us the strength and willingness to master the most difficult tasks. It promotes the ability to discover your own rights and to accomplish them. It develops goals and helps one perceive their mission in life.

20 ml
Reg. $31.00  
Buy now $28.00 

Uranus wakes up humanity for a new age. He stands for ideals, freedom, equality and brotherliness. He embodies the uniqueness of each  person, striving for independence and individual freedom. Uranus is known as the big liberator, because he breaks old structures and behavior patterns. He stands for intuition, sudden reconstruction and radical changes.

The essence URANUS gives us the willingness to release us from old chains. It promotes intuitive insights at the right moment. It promotes the ability to escape, emancipate and change yourself; also to recognize trends and to perceive opportunities.

20 ml
Reg. $31.00  
Buy now $28.00 

Neptune corresponds to the "cosmic antennas" of a person to sense psychic and subtle energies as well as to foresee concealed connections. At the same time Neptune stands for the longing of a person to overcome his daily consciousness and to seek the Source of everything.

With the essence NEPTUNE we experience true spirituality and entire trust, to be protected and led from a higher energy source. If promotes the ability to realize dreams, to develop alternatives and to live according to the cosmic laws.

20 ml
Reg. $31.00  
Buy now $28.00 

Pluto is the planet of healing and transformation. He represents the creative energy which is hidden in even the smallest cell; he symbolizes the magic aspect of our creation. Pluto shows the power of the crowd. Unconsciously living and acting makes people be carried along by the crowd either negatively or positively.

With the essence PLUTO we release unaware energies. It gives the ability to develop our own imaginations and concepts to design our own life program and how to live after that; also to form our own opinion and to attain power about ourself.

20 ml
Reg. $31.00  
Buy now $28.00   




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